
Mikalia Magna (2019-12-20 13:16:19)
Cred in arta traditionala,dar sunt receptiva la curentele moderne,fara de care nu ar fi un echilibru si armonie intre clasicism ,contemporaneitate si arta lumii viitoare.Totul,este in miscare si evolutie...Consider arta vizuala,o punte de legatura,intre traditie si arta galactica,a viitorului,in toate formele sale de expresie Felicitari si succes!

Cristina Madini (2019-12-20 13:15:44)
I really like this artist.

Mihaela Marin (2019-12-20 13:09:04)
Proud owner of ‘Opposites Attract’. For those who don’t know ‘Opposites Attract’ is Doina’s representations of ‘Giorgio Bolognese - 2 Luglio (Contro il femminicidio)’.
5 stars for uniqueness, 5 stars for boldness, 5 stars fearlessness, 5 stars for having the courage to push the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm, 5 stars for challenging the status quo.
Doina your work is an encouragement and inspiration for me. Love your art. Don’t stop! Looking forward to seeing your new creations.

Daniela Mircescu (2019-12-20 13:08:24)
A self-made artist, with a great imagination and feminine intuition!

Virginia Teodoru (2019-12-20 13:07:04)
Ma bucur cand ma gandesc la minunatiile pe care le exprima spiritul tau artist!!! Imi vin mereu in minte...rar mi se intampla sa-mi placa ceva asa de mult!!! Iar tu ca femeie esti la fel de speciala! Sunt incantata ca te-am cunoscut !!

Not Random Art Team (2019-04-23 13:53:59)
We have been very impressed with your artistic production and we are glad to inform you that your
work has been selected for publication in the next Special edition of the Contemporary Art Review
Not Random Art.
In particular, we have highly appreciated the way your refined approach explores the blurry boundary between perception and experience. We were discussing how your work establishes a deep involvement with the viewers, both on an emotional aspect and on an intellectual one.

Ruthie Tucker, New York (2018-07-24 15:59:08)
Your exhibition is beautiful and has been very well received by Amsterdam Whitney Gallery's collectors and visitors. Your art is extremely thought provoking and visually challenging, and we are so proud of your exhibit.
© 2022 Doina Popescu. All Rights Reserved.